- Bravery is in his blood. 勇敢是他生来有之的特性。
- Tony is a great comedian,Humer is in his blood. 托尼是一个伟大的喜剧演员,幽默是他与生俱来的。
- He got skinning in his blood at a very early age. 他很早就迷上了,滑雪运动。
- He has lost too much his blood; his life is in danger. 他失血太多,生命垂危。
- A taste for poetry runs in his blood. 他对诗的爱好是家传的。
- Youth and the joy of life were in his blood. 他的血液里充满了青春以及生命的欢乐。
- Long ago the Exodus a Tatar spat in his blood. 在以色列人出埃及前很久,唯一鞑靼人便朝他的血液里哗过唾沫。
- Long before the Exodus a Tatar spat in his blood. 在以色列人出埃及前很久,一个鞑靼人便朝他的血液里哗过唾沫。
- He is in the habit of branching out in his speech. 他讲话时总是要离开本题。
- Jack is in his element working on the farm. 杰克在农场工作是用其所长。
- He will is in his small boat, Topsail. 他将乘坐在自己的“涛波赛尔”号小船里。
- The letter is in his own handwriting. 这封信是他的手笔。
- The Colonel is in his full uniform. 上校穿戴着整齐的制服。
- A person who is in his or her dotage. 年老昏聩的人
- The story of his loyalty and bravery is written for all to read on a beautiful headstone erected in his honor. 为了纪念他,人们立起了一块漂亮的石碑,并把有关他的忠诚和勇敢的故事刻在碑上,让大家都能读到。
- The Roman coin is in his collection. 他的藏品中有罗马古币。
- Now he is in his glory, dominating the scene. 这是他最得意的时光,整个场面由他控制。
- I think Simon is in his room(= bedroom). 我看西蒙就在他自己的房间里。
- Grandfather is in his anecdotage. 爷爷年老话多,爱谈往事。
- The orphan is in his aunt's good graces. 这个孤儿受他的姨妈照顾。